We have an extra included Blur shader as an embedded Unity Package, but this shader is only supported on the Built-In render pipeline. This shader is not necessary for the plugin to function.Procedural Mesh UI is a powerful mesh based solution for creating sleek rounded UI elements. Other solutions typically use a shader based approach for rounded corners, but doing so introduces the limitation of not allowing your UI to easily use your own shaders.With Procedural Mesh UI, designers are given creative freedom to quickly make modern UI elements with full control over edge corners in a uniform or per-corner basis.Built-In Gradient SolutionOur asset comes with a built-in gradient solution for quickly making colorful and impactful UI. The gradient options include linear, radial, and per-corner options.Capable of Supporting Custom ShadersWe include a complimentary blur shader for the built-in render pipeline and an example of its setup to showcase the power of using a mesh instead of a shader for rounded corners. It's example is found as a separate Unity package in the Examples/Extras folder.Main FeaturesRobust corner radius controlSupports custom shadersAnimatableBuilt-In Gradient solutionRaw Image equivalent version includedAdjustable mesh divisions for fine tuned optimizationCustomizable edge distribution to put fidelity where you need itBundled blur shaderProfessionally cut corners with Procedural Mesh UI!This package contains the following third-party software components governed by the SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE:Catamaran-BoldCatamaran-Regularsee Third-Party_Notices.txt file in the package for details.