High quality low poly island village assets with demo scenes. This package contains 101 different kind of low poly models ready for you to use and kickstart your project
Includes natural objects
Eight types of grass, Five types of flowers, Six types of rocks, Five trees, Four bushes, Two logs, Three mushrooms, Three stumps, Island, Two backgrounds, Water, World model
Windmill, Two houses, Well, Fisherman's hut, Watchtower
Axe, Cart, Anchor, Apple, Archer's target, Barrel, Bench, Bridge, Bucket, Campfire, Clouds, Crate, Two types of deck, Three fences, Field, Two firewood, Flag, Fruit barrel, Haystack, Ladder, Light pole, Four planks, Two pumpkins, Two road signs, Three types of rock paths, Three rock walls, Grain sack, Two shields, Water trough, Wheat, Water barrel, Mug, Anvil, Smaller boat, Four types of boats with different sailcloth color
Technical details
- 101 unique models
- Two textures (Albedo), Three materials
- Average vertices : 1k
- Texture size – 256 x 256, 512 x 512;
- All models are fbx. format
- Average model size: 30kb
Two scenes: demo & showcase
One custom skybox with clouds
All meshes with prefabs (colliders attached to some of them)
Email me for any questions that you have !