Water Sound Effects contains 150 soundsThis sound library contains various sounds of interaction with water,various bubbles, underwater atmosphere, bathroom sounds,pour pour water, and much more.This sound library is perfect for voicing various interactions with water.All sound Royalty freeFull list of soundsContent:Bathroom Sink Faucet On OffBottle Pour Out WaterBubblesBucket PourDrop WaterFilling BathFountainKettle Will BoilKitchen Sink Faucet On OffMud BubbleOcean Waves CrashPitcher PourPouring WaterPour Out Wine BottlePour WaterShower DrainShower RoomShower Room On OffSink DrainSink Drain GurgleSink Fill WaterSink Leaky FaucetSizzle Pour Hot PanSplashSplash BathSplash Fishing LureSplash Object DropSplash PaddleTank BubblesToilet DrainToilet Set WaterUnderwater AmbienceUnderwater BubblesUnderwater ImpactUnderwater SplashUnderwater SubmarineWashing MachineWaterfallWater Boil BubblesWater DripsWater Hose Pour PoolWater Is DrainingWater PumpWater Walk WadeWishing Well CoinAudio file types: WavSample rate: 96kHzBit depth: 24BitLoopable: SomeAdditional: Stereo