Modular Castle PackDemo scene included without skybox. Skybox is not included in the package. Skybox package name is Fantasy Skybox FREEThis package includes-Terrain, river mesh(2x), trees (3x), grass, rocks (3x) and stone paths (2x).-Towers and stairs for them (5x). Wall, gate and gats.-Outer wall (3x), stair , gate and gate doors(2x).-Buildings (6x), doors(2x), tents (2x), and bridge.-Camp fire, street lamp, torch, wagon, firepit , boxes 2(x) barrel, chair, table, bench, bunkbed, bed, trough, wooden log, flags(2x).-Sword, shield, spear, sword and spear holder.Number of textures: 21Texture sizes:2048x2048 (9x)4096x4096 (5x)2048x1024 (2x)2048x2897 (1x)2048x2463 (1x)1024x1024 (1x)3357x2344 (1x)2048x1913 (1x)Number of meshes/prefabs: 71UV mapping: YesPolygon count of:Gate: 998Gate2: 1038Gats: 108Tower1: 5190Tower2: 4948Tower3: 3604Tower4: 3266Tower4_2: 3266Wall: 96Bridge: 150OuterDoorL: 564OuterDoorR: 564OuterWall1: 96OuterWall2: 40OuterWallCorner: 196OuterWallGate: 136Building1Stair: 14OuterWallStair: 626Stair1: 1460Stair2: 896Stair3: 1067Stair4: 834Stair4_2: 844Barrack: 1823Building1: 155Building2: 1552Building3: 1592Building4: 813Door1: 398Door2: 480Stable: 1261StableDoorBot: 246StableDoorTop: 246Tent1: 228Tent2: 2132Tent2E: 28Barrel: 377Bed: 760Bench: 705BunkBed: 474CampFire: 730Chair: 301FirePit: 850Flag1: 2252Flag2: 942StreetLamp: 1374Table: 1460Torch: 933TorchB: 512Trough: 384Wagon: 15629Wheel: 772WoodenBox: 3213WoodenBox2: 1008WoodLog: 102Grass: 162River1: 2401River2: 2401Rock: 648Rock2: 650Rock3: 648StonePath1: 1680StonePath2: 1680Tree1: 868Tree2: 2820Tree3: 155Shield: 2470Spear: 941SpearHolder: 362Sword: 2820SwordHolder: 1578