Vizario H264RTSP Player is a library for Android & iOS mainly (Win64/OSX too), to directly decode H264 and AAC bitstreams as received over RTSP. It uses custom native decoders to be highly efficient.Vizario H264RTSP Player is a lightweight library to enable live RTSP streaming of H264 and AAC bitstreams to iOS or Android devices (respectively standalone apps or Editor Win64 and OSX) from a local PC or remote server. The library allows you to register as an RTSP client to a server and play back the video content within a texture, respectively audio over the native audio device.The library is developed towards playback of live data and is essentially the playback-counterpart of the video casting asset:https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/video/vizario-h264rtsp-196278The main purpose of this asset is to enable simple streaming of H264/AAC live streams from an RTSP server to a client, decoding und playing back as efficiently as possible. It was **NOT** designed to do perfect audio/video synchronization, **NOR** to become a generic player framework like LibVLC.However, the libraries use the native audio devices for audio output (if desired). In other words, the AAC decoder is indeed a full player without the need to mess with device audio setups.- Connect to RTSP Server: enter URL/Port/Channel and retrieve H264/AAC data- Native Texture Rendering and Playback: uses native SDK to draw to texture on C++ level- Optional casting from ffmpeg+VLC: choose ffmpeg and pipe output to VLC serving RTSP streamThe package was also tested to work on Magic Leap 2 (Video only) and Meta Quest 2/Pro (Video and Audio).---TRIAL VERSION AVAILABLE HERE!PLEASE CONSIDER THE FAQ FOR ANY ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ASSET OR SEND AN EMAIL TO support [at] arth.co.at---- As Fast As It Gets: It uses native decoders to leverage hardware support.- H264 and AAC format autodetection: finds out parameters for playback automatically.- Resolution Support. it changes texture resolution based on decoded stream.- RTSP Client: built-in client to connect with AAC and H264 support.- Requirements* Unity 2018.4+* Android API Level 24+* iOS 13+* macOS 10.15+* Windows x64