An advanced and powerful solution for First Person Shooter games, adaptable,easily scalable and suitable for any kind of FPS game, supporting a wide variety of settings and features.Ensure that you update the materials to their respective shaders when using HDRP or URP. If you require assistance, don't hesitate to ask for support on our Discord server!DEMO • DISCORD • TRELLO🏆- 15th Unity Awards WINNER - Best Development Tool -🏆"MAKE YOUR DREAM FPS GAME FASTER THAN EVER"This asset is constantly evolving with new content added regularly, ensuring it stays the ultimate FPS Asset.✔ Start Strong – Everything you need to create a high-quality FPS right from the beginning.✔ Highly Customizable – Packed with an immense range of features that are easily adaptable to your vision, bringing your dream game to life.✔ Easy to Use – Intuitive and beginner-friendly, so you can focus on creating, not struggling.Don’t wait—turn your ideas into reality with FPS Engine today!-------------- LIST OF FEATURES --------------ADVANCED PLAYER MOVEMENT:CORE ACTIONS: Moving, running, jumping, crouching.SlidingStamina systemSlopes supportWall-RunWall-BounceDashGrappling HooksClimbing LaddersRigidbody-based with ready-made templatesPOTENT MODULAR WEAPON CREATION SYSTEM✔ Create any weapon with incredible customization⚙️ User-friendly inspector for fast, intuitive setup🎨 Customize stats, visuals,animations, audio, UI, and more🔫 Weapon Types: Hitscan, Projectile, MeleePOWERFUL WEAPON SYSTEMCORE ACTIONS: Shooting,Aiming, Reloading, etc..Bullet penetration (WALLBANG)Recoil based on CurvesInventory systemDamage enemies. Shield and Health system with Headshot detectionAttachment SystemAim AssistMelee AttackPick Up & Drop SystemWeapon InspectionSet Initial Weapons4 Shooting methods: Press, Press and Hold, Hold and release, Hold until readyDamage reduction based on distanceDYNAMIC SURFACE DETECTION✔ Detect surfaces for unique visuals and sounds✔ Footstep and hit detectionUI KITProcedural CrosshairKillfeedHitmarkersDamage Pop-UpsFramerate DisplayHealth and shield barsStamina displayLow Ammo & Reload DisplaysCompass System with customizable IconsPause MenuMain MenuSettings MenuKey RebindingINTERACTABLESDestructiblesExplosivesHealthpacksPower-upsDoorsPoint captureAccessible CheckpointsDamage triggersPLAYER HEALTH SYSTEMShield and HealthFall DamageAuto-HealingUI eventsPLAYER EXPERIENCE SYSTEMCAMERA EFFECTSBreathingHead bobCamera shakeCamera tiltWEAPON EFFECTSBreathingWeapon BobJump motionCrouch tiltWeapon swayBullet Trails VFXEXTRA FEATURES✔ Advanced Pooling System✔ Turrets✔ AI system add-on (Available in our Discord Server)✔ Emerald AI 2024 Compatibility✔ Controller support✔ Intuitive Custom Inspectors✔ Save & Load presets✔ Custom Events: Easy Behaviours Customization✔ Drag & Drop Features, Ready-to-use content✔ Clean, understandable codeCONSTANT UPDATES & FULL SUPPORTGet regular updates and top-tier support to ensure your game keeps improving.Create your dream FPS game faster and easier than ever with the best development tool available! 🚀