Library that implements the .NET Process class for IL2CPP using native code.1-to-1 native and direct replecement of System.Diagnostics.Process. Simply switch to it with "using KS.Diagnostics".Most of the Process methods are supported. For more request them here: https://discord.gg/qdQQrjZneSSupported OS:Windows x64Experimental:Windows Arm64Linux x64Osx Intel x64Osx Arm64Windows 2019 Server x64 (also win7 embedded)Implemented features:System.Diagnostics.Process:- StartInfo- Start()- Dispose()- StartInfo- EnableRaisingEvents- Exited- OutputDataReceived- ErrorDataReceived- BeginOutputReadLine()- BeginErrorReadLine()- CancelOutputRead()- WaitForExit()- GetProcesses()- GetProcesses(string)- GetProcessesByName(string)- GetProcessesByName(string,string)- Kill()- Kill(bool)- ProcessName- Id- ExitCode- StartTime- EndTime- StandardInput.BaseStream.Write(byte[], count, offset) (currently small mem allocation)- StandardInput.BaseStream.Write(IntPtr, count, offset) (no alloc)- StandardInput.BaseStream.Flush()- StandardInput.BaseStream.Close()- StandardInput.Close()- TotalProcessorTimeSystem.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo:- FileName- Arguments- UseShellExecute- RedirectStandardOutput- RedirectStandardError- CreateNoWindow- WorkingDirectory- Verb- VerbsDifferences due to native code:OutputDataReceived object sender is always nullExited object sender is always null and EventArgs is always emptyExceptions may crash the application, make sure none can occur (for ex. wrong file path) Update: Exceptions shouldn't crash anymore and are rethrown as ExternalException, use Exception.HResult to check for specific type