High-quality realistic low-poly 3D models of MedicsHigh-quality realistic low-poly 3D models of People in Protective Suits and MedicsThe model is ready for use in games and other real-time applicationsRigged to the Humanoid skeleton rigIK bones are included: YesNumber of textures: 159Number of Materials: 69Texture dimensions: 2048 x 2048Triangles count: 59678Number of meshes: 17UV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps: PBRAdditional Notes: rig has additional bones:eye_l\reyelashes_r\lBone_eye_L\R;Bone_eyelid_L\R;Bone_jaw;Bone_tail_001\002\003\004\005;L\R_Eye;ele_l\r;Jaw;