207 High Quality Shooter Gun Animations MOCAP.
131 moccaped aimations In Place and 76 mocapped animations Root MotionThis is the pack for your FPS / TPS / Shooter projects!Collection of 207 mocap animations (In Place/Root Motion) :131 IN PLACE ANIMATIONS :7 Contextuals IP Animations4 Crawls IP Animations13 Crouchs Jog IP Animations16 Crouchs Walk IP Animations4 Deaths IP Animations19 Hits IP Animations15 Idles IP Animations16 Jogs IP Animations6 Reloads IP Animations8 Shoots IP Animations7 Sprints IP Animations16 Walks IP Animations76 ROOT MOTION ANIMATIONS :4 Crawls RM Animations13 Crouchs Jog RM Animations16 Crouchs Walk RM Animations5 Idles RM Animations16 Jogs RM Animations7 Sprints RM Animations16 Walks RM AnimationsFeatures:131 moccaped aimations In Place76 mocapped animations Root MotionLevel Show CaseRigged : YesNumber of Animations: 207Animation types : Root Motion & In-placeSupported Development Platforms:Windows: YesMac : Yes