Active ragdoll which can work with Nav Mesh Agent. Easily create your own physical player and AI!This package is a tool, so it can work under any rendering pipeline. Only the materials in the demo scenes and prefabs are made in SRP, and you can update them.Physical AI mainly includes:-Physically based character animation performance-One click creates humanoid dynamic ragdolls and automatically calculates joint limits.-Automatic setting of joint spring and damper based on total mass, achieving good dynamic ragdoll performance without manual adjustment.-Provide sample player and AI scripts with basic state transitions and damage calculation system(including falling damage).This resource pack is mainly based on video tutorials, and videos will be updated according to users' feedback.Here is the demoMy discordAttention!Only Humanoid character is supported now.If you have any questions, please email me, I usually reply within a week (up to two weeks): vrnightcrawler@gmail.com