(HDRP)Textured Procedural Terrain System
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This package is based on the work of Sebastian Lague. It follows his procedural landmass generation series. It is a procedural terrain system with textures blending!Here's the BIRP or the URP version.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RequiredThis asset uses the new input system package and is suitable for any kind of games."Textured Procedural Terrain System uses JosephinSlab-Regular(Font) under SIL Open Font License; see Third-PartyNotices.txt file in package for details."-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SummaryThis package is just like my Procedural Terrain System, based on Sebastian Lague video series, but it works with texture blending instead of colors.The terrain is not just colored but textured. You can blend the textures, add more in the shadergraph, change their tiling and height.The water is also customizable, foam speed, scale, cutoff, color, amount, wave speed, amplitude etc..-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Link to documentationDocumentationItch.io pageDiscord answer channellinktr.ee/electorchMeshes:16 objects to spawn on the terrainAlgueaCoral,Coral1Grass,Grass001,Grass002Rock,Rock1,Rock2,Rock3,Rock4,Rock5,Rock6Tree,Tree001,Tree002+Procedural pathOceanShaders:SeaSunStars