Touch Camera LITE 2024 - Easy Mobile & Desktop Camera Controller
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A really easy to use mobile+desktop camera controller with perspective switching!Touch Camera LITE is a really easy to use mobile+desktop camera controller with perspective switching! It is used inside other plugins like Home Designer, Runtime Level Editor and Floor Map Designer!Working on both desktop and mobile devices!One clean camera prefab, no nested hierarchyMany configuration variablesSupport translation, rotation around center, rotation around point, Zoom In/Out around point, Zoom In/Out around center etcSupport multi fingers "Twist" and "Pinch" around fingers centerSupport scene bounderies2 perspective modes are available : 3D Perspective, Top Down Orthographic, see TouchCamera PRO for more!Smooth transition between perspective modes at any time!Full C# included, and commented6 Demo scenes includedFocus on objectMove To (position, [rotation], [distance])Reset Camera to initial position & rotationScene boundariesChange ground height easilyNew API methods and documentationFor more features, see TouchCamera PRO!DOCUMENTATIONOnline manualAPI documentationSUPPORT FORUMhttps://support.exoa.frOTHER PLUGINSHome DesignerFloor Map DesignerHome Designer BundleLevel DesignerTouch Camera ProAssets Manager ProPackages Manager FreeTutorial EngineResponsive UI Pro