The free trial of Nova is a zero-risk way to determine if Nova meets the needs and requirements of your project!BENEFITS:Complete Feature Set: Nova - Free Trial contains all of the features, functionality, and APIs of the paid version.Compatibility: Content built with the free trial is 100% compatible with the paid version, and vice versa. That means all of the Nova samples work with the free trial, and upgrading is seamless -- just replace the trial package with the paid version.RESTRICTIONS:Not Burst optimized: The performance of this free trial version is not representative of the performance of the paid version, as the paid version is 3-10x faster due to optimizations made via the Burst compiler.No source code access: The public API is thoroughly documented on our website. The internal API in the free trial is obfuscated and precompiledHOW TO UPGRADE:Simply delete the Nova folder and import the paid asset -- it's that simple!See novaui.io to learn more.SAMPLES:Several complete and thoroughly commented sample projects made with Nova are available on GitHub (for free), along with tutorial videos on YouTube to help you get started!Inventory SystemMobile Settings MenuXR Hand MenuUI Controls (included in the asset!)UI Playground (included in the asset!)UI Blur (included in the asset!)FEATURES:🚀 Dynamic Styles 🚀Take your visual quality to the next level without writing custom shaders or baking visual effects into textures. Add and adjust corner radius, gradients, drop shadows, and more on the fly!Rounded CornersBordersGradientsDrop Shadows/GlowInner Shadows/GlowBackground BlurRounded EdgesAuto UV adjustment for images/icons/etc.Local anti-aliasingText Super SamplingMultiple lighting modelsRectangular masks and Texture masksEnhanced Geometry sorting and configurability (even a Z-Index property!)Works with TextMeshPro!🚀 Adaptive Layout System 🚀Nova brings modern UI system functionality, such as auto sizing, padding, margins, and more, into the third dimension.Sizing - Value and percent based!Positioning- Value and percent based!Alignment (Top, Left, Bottom, Right, Front, Back)PaddingMarginMin/Max ConstraintsShrink to ContentExpand to ParentAutoLayouts (Vertical, Horizontal, Depth)Aspect Ratio Locking🚀 Data Binding 🚀With a simple databinding API, flexible type-matching, and virtualized lists and grids, create a rich, dynamic, and performant UI with just a few lines of code.ListViewGridView🚀 Gesture recognition across all supported platforms, including XR! 🚀Hover/Unhover eventsPress/Release eventsClick eventsDrag eventsScroll events - complete with refined scrolling animations🚀 PARTNERS 🚀Convert Figma designs directly to Nova UI components with the Figma Converter for Unity tool by D.A. Assets!🚀 AND MORE! 🚀A garbage free Animations API for writing custom, modular UI animations!Dynamic texture atlasingEdge Snapping tools in scene viewGradient tool in scene view🚧 Limitations 🚧Lighting not supported in SRPs.Custom transparency sort axis not supported.Asset uses Scroller under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.