Lava: 20 Textures (Hand-painted, Seamless + Tileable) Texture Me! $5.69 $6.78 16%OFF (no ratings) 2D テクスチャ&マテリアル Jump AssetStore このアセットの説明 A set of beautiful textures for your game, to add some lava and magma into your levels! It also comes with many emissive textures, to add the appearance of a glowing hot lava. This package also has 20 heightmaps + tesselation shader, to give depth. And to help with height-blending if you use it. Textures were manually crafted to be tileable, meaning they will have no seams. Features: - 2048 x 2048 size - 20 Color Textures (seamless) - 20 Height Textures (seamless) - 20 Normals Textures (seamless) - 20 Emission Textures (seamless) - 20 Ambient-occlusion Textures (seamless) - Hand Painted - Mobile and PBR ready Help us by rating and commenting, this will motivate us to create more assets and improve :)