2D Bat's and Halloween propsThis package contains 2D Bat's and Halloween props.You can use this asset in your 2D games.Technical Details:-- Character & Props : Bat's, Candy's, Weapon's, Coins, Obstacle, FX.etc- Total Prefabs : 50+Bat x 10, Bat(Night version) x 5, Candy x 20, Animated FX x 4, Weapons x 13, Others x 5- Animations : 1 Flying animation for Bat, 1 animations for FX- Sheet Resolution and Frames count:Bat - 2792 x 3560 (16)Bat_Night - 2396 x 2084 (16)Candy's, Weapons, Coins - 2980 x 2615 (Packed Image)FX - 2408 x 1084 (16)Broom - 820 x 3524Pumpkin - 955 x 1163Features:-- Cute Funny Bat's- Usefull Halloween 2D props- High quality Images- Smooth Animation's- FX with animations included- Other basic props included- Colliders & Rigidbody attached- Prefabs included- Fit in any style 2d games- Easy to use (Drag and drop)Contact : srstudioskerala@gmail.com