3D models of road signs commonly seen in Japan (109 single signs and 8 combination signs). Guide signs are not included.Prepared with reference to the list of road signs provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Dimensions are reproduced as much as possible.109 different materials(Regulatory, warning, instruction, and auxiliary signs) are available. Replace marks on the 3D model as needed.[FBX - polycount]It contains 16 different 3D models.Heights range from 2.4m to 4m.double-a.fbx 1756 trisdouble-b.fbx 1976 trisdouble-c.fbx 1560 trisdouble-d.fbx 2076 trisdouble-e.fbx 1916 trissingle-hojo-cir.fbx 944 trissingle-keikai-dia.fbx 1160 trissingle-kisei_shiji-sq.fbx 864 trissingle-kisei-cir.fbx 944 trissingle-kisei-rect.fbx 824 trissingle-kisei-rect2.fbx 824 trissingle-kisei-tri.fbx 804 trissingle-shiji-penta.fbx 804 tristriple-a.fbx 2352 tristriple-b.fbx 2456 tristriple-c.fbx 2692 tris[Texture]AlbedoTexture format: pngGenerally, 109 textures within 600px*600px are included.[LOD]No LODs[Rigging and animation]No rigging and no animation