Medieval Music Pack is a fantasy and medieval music pack with various moods ready for you game. This music pack contains a variety of traditional songs and instrumentals.Medieval Music Pack is a fantasy and medieval music pack with various moods ready for you game. This music pack contains a variety of traditional songs and instrumentals that will set the perfect mood for any game set in a medieval era. From the lively jig of a tavern scene to the somber notes of a funeral march, this music pack has it all.Bonus: It includes a music manager script for easy usage in any scene and four extra RPG SFX.✔Music PackMultiple tracks, loops, start and song endings in .wav ready for your game!Medeival music pack counts with 7 songs divided in 35 tracks. Each song has a start, loop and end track. Play the start of a song and loop threw it as much time is needed in your game.The music included is divided in different moods:CALMMMP_TaleOfTheTroubadour_CompleteMMP_TaleOfTheTroubadour_Lp01MMP_TaleOfTheTroubadour_Lp02+OutMMP_TaleOfTheTroubadour_Lp02MMP_TaleOfTheTroubadour_OutSAD / EPIC / LOOSEMMP_ASongForTheKing_CompleteMMP_ASongForTheKing_Lp01_CellMMP_ASongForTheKing_Lp02_Cell+BsMMP_ASongForTheKing_Lp03_BdrMMP_ASongForTheKing_Lp04_CellADVENTUREMMP_TheQuestForGlory_CompleteMMP_TheQuestForGlory_Lp01MMP_TheQuestForGlory_Lp02MMP_TheQuestForGlory_Lp03+OutMMP_TheQuestForGlory_Lp03HAPPY / WINMMP_TheMinstrelJourney_CompleteMMP_TheMinstrelJourney_In_Bs+PzzMMP_TheMinstrelJourney_Lp01MMP_TheMinstrelJourney_Lp02FEARMMP_TheUnsungHero_CompleteMMP_TheUnsungHero_Lp01MMP_TheUnsungHero_Lp02+OutMMP_TheUnsungHero_Lp02COMBAT / EPICMMP_TheBattleOfTheLastKnight_CompleteMMP_TheBattleOfTheLastKnight_Lp01MMP_TheBattleOfTheLastKnight_Lp02_TenMMP_TheBattleOfTheLastKnight_Lp03+OutMMP_TheBattleOfTheLastKnight_Lp03MMP_TheBattleOfTheLastKnight_Lp04+Percs01MMP_TheBattleOfTheLastKnight_Lp04+Percs02MMP_TheBattleOfTheLastKnight_OutHOPE / MENU / TRAILERMMP_ARedeemerShallArise_CompleteMMP_ARedeemerShallArise_Lp01MMP_ARedeemerShallArise_Lp01_HrpMMP_ARedeemerShallArise_Lp02_Hrp+Flt✔Music Manager ScriptThe asset includes a music manager script that allows you to manage the clips included in this asset any moment in your code just by indicating the song name. Play, stop, pause, add to queue, fade in and fade out any track. Personal audio clips can also be controlled by the asset. For specific documentation click here.✔Future Road MapOnce you have bought the Medieval Music Pack you will recieve free updates that include:More music tracksLive ops to Music Manager ScriptContact and support:Mail us: sindri.studios.info@gmail.comsindristudios.comAsset Documentation✔Audio clips details35Tracks44.1 KHz Sample rate16 Bit depth25 Loopable tracksTracks added in an asset bundle✔Music ManagerLoad tracks in asset bundlePlay trackStop trackFade in trackFade out trackAdd to queueChange volumeSave volumeBonus: Also works for SFXsDetailed documentation