A sound package containing 132 sound effects of single shots, reloading, dropping and picking up, including mono and stereo versions of audio files. A total of 12 laser guns are available.Audio Preview: https://soundcloud.com/magic-sound-effects/sets/laser-shots-and-reload-soundsSound List: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ohi7v1b8np9n11/MSE%20-%20Laser%20Shots%20and%20Reload%20Sounds.pdf?dl=0The sound pack contains the main 3 folders - "Foley», «Reload» and «Shots»:In the folder "Foley" you will find the sounds of dropping and picking up weapons - 24 sound effects inside.The "Reload" folder is the sounds of the laser gun reloading - 12 sound effects inside.The "Shots" folder includes 12 different laser guns with 8 single shots each - a total 96 sound effects.Each sound effect is available in mono and stereo versions.Use this asset to create high-quality gun shots and weapon sounds for your game, animation or trailer.132 game-ready sound effects44.1 khz, 16 bit, wav, mono & stereo264 audio files12 laser guns in total96 single shot sounds12 reloading sounds24 dropping and picking upgreat for animations, trailers, game scenes for shooters, strategies and moreminutes of audio: 02 minutes 14 seconds