Trusty UI allows you to fast preview states of UI prefab in natural and isolated customisable environment.
Automated testing (upcoming feature)..Trusty UI: restores trust in your UI.Any UI prefab renderable under Canvas can be previewed along with its states. No need to pass to certain gamestate to preview UI.States are listed based on public methods on prafab component. That approach enforce best practices in OOP.Isolated testing improve your project architecture. It enforce loose coupling between UI components and force you to build UI from independent and reusable components.It is possible to customize each component preview environment - so it will be previewed in realistic situation.TrustyUI is not another user actions record and playback asset!Automated testing (and other features and improvements) are in plans. No more accdent changes that broke your game!Please report any bugs on: https://github.com/sculpt0r/TrustyUIIt is possible to restrict dispayed list with code attributes provided with the package.Please note that Assets/TrustyUI directory will be created in your project. Please commit this directory to the repo if you want to share prefab environments with others.