Netick is a free networking solution for Unity.Links: Documentation | API Reference | Discord | Netick.netNetick is a FREE server-authoritative networking solution for Unity. It's by far the most advanced free networking solution for Unity on the market. It's built with an architecture that's different from other free solutions. Netick makes building quality and cheat-free multiplayer games easier than ever, by implementing most of the features you need to build an FPS/TPS/Real-Time/Action game. It features essential standard AAA features like:✔️ Client-Side Prediction (CSP)✔️ Lag Compensation✔️ Eventual Consistency (Optimistic Replication)✔️ Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)✔️ Snapshot Interpolation✔️ Sandboxes (server & client testing in one project)✔️ Tick-Aligned Simulation✔️ Area of Interest✔️ Thin Abstracted Transport Layer✔️ Code Gen✔️ Zero GCAnd too many others to count. To learn more, visit Netick.net.The package also contains two samplesFPSBomberman-cloneSupported Platforms:Windows: ✔Linux ✔OSX: ✔Android: ✔iOS: ✔You don't need to worry about low-level networking and simply put all your focus on creating your actual game.If you have any questions, requests, or anything, join our discord.Client-Side Prediction (CSP)Lag CompensationEventual consistency (Optimistic Replication)Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)Snapshot InterpolationSandboxes (server & client testing in one project)Area of InterestAbstracted Transport LayerDelta CompressionTick-Aligned SimulationAutomatic Property ReplicationZero GCAnd many others.