A pack of 13 crosshairs for the Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair package. Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair (core) is free on the asset store.I designed the package such that it supports all render pipelines. I haven't tested it. It was created in Built In RP. Hopefully, it will work on any Render Pipeline Without Any Errors.This package includes 13 crosshairs compatible with Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair. Each crosshair has its unique style.NOTE: This package isn't standalone. You must download the Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair package (free) to use this. And, the assets used in the sample scene of this project are not mine. They are taken from Poly Haven and 3Dtextures.me.The goal of Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair is to hasten the creation of FPS games. This package simplifies the procedure of transforming the crosshair into dynamic. Any script may obtain real-time access to it and make changes to it.With only one line of code, you may quickly and easily alter the SIZE OR COLOR between two values when using Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair. The size may also be multiplied by any floating-point value. Size and color each have independent smoothing time settings. Along with the targeted item and the crosshair's hit point's position in the world space, the crosshair's current size is also accessible in real-time.DEPENDENCIES:Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair is required for this package. This sample given in the Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair package uses the Unity input system and cinemachine. But Old Input System can also be used with the Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair package without cinemachine. So overall you can say no dependencies.Includes thirteen unique crosshairs.Compatible with Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair.Following Holds for Scriptable Dynamic Crosshair:Beginner-Friendly ScriptPre-defined methods for crosshairFully ConfigurableBasic First Person Controller with cinemachineCompatible with Unity's Input SystemDocumentation Included