Welcome to Minifantasy - Desolate Desert, a charming 8x8 tileset that includes all you need to create desert levels for your RPG, adventure or rogue-like game.★ Key Features ★The pack includes tiles to create wastelands, dunes, oasis and rock cliffs.Over 36 different props: rocks, bones, a wide selection of desert plants.It also includes animated water tiles.Animated tumbleweed!Make levels fast with pre-configured Tile palettes, Sprites, and Props!Use of Minifantasy rule tiles to speed up your level design.Swap quickly between prop variations in the editor.★ Assets ★TilesetsGround tileset: It includes sand, dirt, road path, and grass tiles.Rock cliff tileset: It is composed of multilevel rock cliff tiles.Oasis tileset: It is composed of animated water tiles and water tile transitions.Rule tiles: Includes sand, dirt, grass, road, cliff and water tiles.Other tiles: Minifantasy Forgotten Plains dirt transition tiles.PropsDifferent types of CactusOther plantsPalm TreesRocksCarcassTumbleweed!★ Details ★The Demo scene uses the old input system to move the camera.Rule tiles require the Tilemaps 2D Extras (preview) package.All tiles come in (8x8px) resolution.