Includes: Master room with chimney, 2 extra rooms, attic, kitchen area with storage room and shared chimney with the dinning and living areas, front and back porches. 3 LOD´s, animation ready modules.Features:Doors, windows, hinges, locks, trapdoors and more, detailed and optimized to fit all kinds of projects!Separate floors, walls, roof and structure meshes for easy of use and customization.PBR hand drawn textures (albedo/alpha, normal, metalness/smoothness) comes in up to 2048x2048 resolution.Textures: Dirt, Grass, Hay Bundle, Iron, Stone Masonry, Wood Sheet, to use in this and more projects.Modular prefabs with proper axis locations with animation in mind.After updates and additions prices might change, but previous owners will get all updates for free.6 HDRP & URP Materials:Hay_Bundle_01.Hay_Bundle_01(Dirty Overwrite & Seamless).Iron_01. (Seamless).Stone_Masonry_01. (Seamless).Wood Sheet_01. (Seamless).Wood Sheet_01(Dirty Overwrite & Seamless).2 HDRP & URP Shaders:Dirt.Dirt W_Alpha Clip.2 HDRP & URP Terrain Layers:Dirt_01Grass_0118 Textures:Dirt_01 2048x2048 (Albedo).Dirt_01_N 2048x2048 (Normal).Dirt_01_S 2048x2048(Smoothness).Grass_01 2048x2048 (Albedo).Grass_01_N 2048x2048 (Normal).Grass_01_S 2048x2048 (Smoothness).Hay_Bundle_01 1024x1024 (Albedo).Hay_Bundle_01_N 1024x1024 (Normal).Hay_Bundle_01_S 1024x1024 (Smoothness).Iron_01 1024x1024 (Albedo).Iron_01_N 1024x1024 (Normal).Iron_01_S 1024x1024 (Smoothness).Stone_Masonry_01 2048x2048 (Albedo).Stone_Masonry_01_N 2048x2048 (Normal).Stone_Masonry_01_S 2048x2048 (Smoothness).WoodSheet_01 2048x2048 (Albedo).WoodSheet_01_N 2048x2048 (Normal).WoodSheet_01_S 2048x2048 (Smoothness).8 HDRP & 8 URP Ready Prefabs:1 Cabin Estructure.1 Cabin.1 Door.1 Trap Door.1 Ladder.3 Window Variants.25 Meshes:Cabin_03_LOD0 - 61,569 Polygons.Cabin_03_LOD1 - 6,337 Polygons.Cabin_03_LOD2 - 1,165 Polygons.Door_01_LOD0 - 992 Polygons.Door_01_LOD1 - 676 Polygons.Door_01_LOD2 - 141 Polygons.Door_Hinge_01_LOD0 - 506 Polygons.Door_Hinge_01_LOD1 - 305 Polygons.Door_Hinge_01_LOD2 - 39 Polygons.Door_Trap_01_LOD0 - 672 Polygons.Door_Trap_01_LOD1 - 370 Polygons.Door_Trap_01_LOD2 - 62 Polygons.Door_Trap_Hinge_01_LOD0 - 362 Polygons.Door_Trap_Hinge_01_LOD1 - 224 Polygons.Door_Trap_Hinge_01_LOD2 - 12 Polygons.Ladder_02 - 96 Polygons.Window_01_LOD0 - 798 Polygons.Window_01_LOD1 - 342 Polygons.Window_01_LOD2 - 67 Polygons.Window_Hinge_01_LOD0 - 294 Polygons.Window_Hinge_01_LOD1 - 252 Polygons.Window_Hinge_01_LOD2 - 20 Polygons.