Battle-ready perk icons for your shooter game.You're working on a shooting game, your player has abilities or perks such as the ability to shoot through walls, hack enemy tech or heal friendly players for example.You need to show the player what they can do or even what their enemies can do.That's where this icon pack comes in.This package contains 48, battle-ready perk icons:Available in 512x512 and 1024x10244 Preset colours (Red, Blue, Yellow and Greyscale).3 Background options(None, rounded edges and sharp edges).Backgrounds available in isolation for adding your own icons.Request additional icons, backgrounds or resolutions by getting in touch.The images above showing the icons in a gameplay context are for demonstration purposes, this pack contains only perk icons.2334 files.512px x 512px.1024px x 1024px..PNG format with transparency.