Change, copy, regenerate and search GUIDs. Your all-in-one GUID tool.Links: Manual | Support Forum🔍 This asset is part of the GUID & PrefabsBundle. 🔍¿ What is this ?A tool to manage and change the GUIDs in your project.✔️ Regenerate GUIDs for one, more or all files✔️ Replace a single GUID with your own.✔️ Fix missing references✔️ Search for one or more GUIDs in all files.✔️ Fast full text search in ALL files (not only GUIDs)✔️ Quickly copy the GUID(s) into the clipboard.✔️ Full Source Code included✔️ Supports Unity 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Unity 6, ... LTS⚠️ It does not support UNDO, so be cautious and make a backup first!I publish this asset with full source code because as a developer I know how annoying it is to not have source code access. If you like it then please remind others to purchase the plugin. Don't just copy and paste it everywhere. Thank you ❤️☕ Use casesYou have conflicting GUIDs and need some new ones.You have a GUID and need to find out where it's referenced and what asset it belongs to.You need to manually assign a single GUID to one specific object to fix it.You need a quick way to do some full text search on your Asset files.You have many MANY objects with missing script references due to broken GUIDs and you want to fix them.✍️ UsageRight-click on your broken prefab and choose "GUID > Regenerate".☎️ SupportIf you have any questions please write to office[at]kamgam.com. Please be patient, replies may take a few days. Please include your Asset Store Order Nr in your request.Thank you.If you like this asset then maybe you'll like these too:✂️ Prefab Fixer & ReplacerFix broken prefabs without losing any changes.✏️ Smart UI SelectionSkip the hierarchy search. What you click is what you select.⚒️ Power PivotRotate around anything, not just the pivot.☘️ 2.5D Terrain3D Mesh and 2D collider generated from curves.🔑 License InfoThis asset requires one license per seat (user who has access to the asset files). If you are a team then please consider buying one seat per Unity user.Why am I telling you this?Because most people do not know. In fact any asset found under the Tools category falls under a license type collectively known as Extension Assets(see official license explanation) which differs from the standard (Entity) licenses.If you have questions about the license then please contact me under office[at]kamgam.com.Regenerate GUIDsSearch all files for GUIDsReplace GUIDsFix missing references