4 Anthic creatures with animations. This package uses the same material for all objects. ( Griffin, Hydra, Harpy, Medusa)Creatures -Harpy Color variant: Blond, Red, BrownVertices: 7582Triangles: 3658Animations: Attack, Fly, FlyAttack, FlyDead, FlyHit, Hit, Hit2, Idle, Idle2-HydraColor variant: Green, Blue, BrownVertices: 11110Triangles: 5604Animations: Idle, Hit, Move, Dying, Attack, Attack2-MedusaColor variant: Green, Green2, BrownVertices: 6841Triangles: 3528Animations: Idle, Hit, Hit2, Move, Dead, Attack-GriffinColor variant: Green, Green2, BrownVertices: 6658Triangles: 3418Animations: Idle, Idle2, Attack, Attack2, Hit, Hit2, Move, Dead, StartFly, FlyAttackTexture- color palette: 512 x 512 size