A Stylized Stag Boss for all your games, coming with 11 color variations! Fantasy RPGJoin the Blink community on:Discord & YouTubeAre you making an RPG?Get our RPG Essential Kit ✅Do you want more?GET OUR ANIMALS BUNDLEAs part of our Stylized Forest Animals collection, here is our Stag Boss:11 Color Variations38 AnimationsIconsAnimation list:Attack 1Attack 2Attack 3Attack 4Attack 5Attack 6Attack 7Attack 8Attack 9Hit FrontHit BackHit LeftHit RightStunned LoopBuffDeathEatSitSleepJumpIdleIdle CombatWalk ForwardWalk Forward LeftWalk Forward RightWalk BackwardWalk Backward LeftWalk Backward RightRun ForwardRun Forward LeftRun Forward RightRun BackwardRun Backward LeftRun Backward RightStrafe LeftStrafe RightCircling LeftCircling RightEnvironment from Polyart Studio