Self Driving/Mind Render Integration
Mobile Internet Technology Co., LTD.
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This asset provides an environment where you can try machine learning for self-driving without programming. (You need "Mind Render" app, which is available for free from the app stores.)With this asset, you can :1. Set the hyper parameters on the programming learning app "Mind Render",2. Send the data to the Unity project in this asset and perform learning, and3. Send back the results to Mind Render and present the self-driving simulation visually.It does not require programming, so it is suitable for those who are trying machine learning for the first time or those who want to try it without programming.Mind Render"Mind Render" is required to use this asset. Mind Render is a programming learning app made with Unity that allows you to create 3D programs by combining blocks.Related Assets:Self Driving/Mind Render AI DrillThis asset can perform all processes from parameter setting to simulation in Unity. It also details machine learning and programs for self-driving.Python Cooperation/Mind Render AI DrillThis asset implements the machine learning part of self-driving in Python.*Mind Render is a programming learning tool that allows you to create programs by combining blocks. You can download it for free from the macApp Store or the Microsoft store. (Please use ver2.1.8 or higher.)*For details on Unity's machine learning program, please refer to "Self Driving/Mind Render AI Drill" on the Unity Asset Store (paid).document・Mind Render Integration_en: Explains how to get started with Unity projects and Mind Render.・README_en: Explains the overall structure, sending and receiving data between Mind Render and Unity projects.・self-driving_data_format_ja: Describes the parameters that can be set.