Punch & Flesh SFX contains 140 sounds of punch and fleshPunch & Flesh SFX contains 140 sounds of punch and fleshWith the help of this sound library,you will be able to voice blows to the flesh,breaking bones and turning guts,all this will perfectly enliven the place of battle in your project.Pretty much everything your next game will need when it comes to battle soundsFull Sound ListContent:Body Punch Impact 30 soundsPunch Bone Break Gore 10 soundsBone Snap Fast 10 soundsFall Body Concrete 5 soundsFall Body Dirt 5 soundsFall Body Sand 5 soundsFall Body Grass 5 soundsFlesh Hit Impact Guts Rip Gore 10 soundsFlesh Hit Impact Thud Punch 10 soundsHit Body Impact Thud Bone Break 10 soundsHit Body Impact Bone Snap 10 soundsHit Stab Spill Guts 5 soundsHit Stab Wound Impact Thud 5 soundsHit Wound Gore Thud 5 soundsStab Slide Rip Tear Gore Guts 5 soundsWhoosh 10 soundsAudio file types: WavSample rate: 96kHzBit depth: 24bitLoopable: NoAdditional: Stereo and Mono