Grid Builder 2 is a grid based building system which can and are used in many game types including real time strategy, tower defence, simulator, table top, puzzle and many others.This package will work with any render pipeline with a simple conversion of materials. You can automate this via Edit>Render Pipeline and you should have options to upgrade your scene materials there.When Upgrading to URP or HDRP, to increase fps on layered grids, you may wish to untick shadows and other features on the materials for the grid cells.Grid Builder 2 steps up all existing features of Grid Builders grid and building system.Note: If upgrading from version 1.1.0 to version 1.2.0 in an existing project, please follow this article on what has changed, and how to implement cleanly.Update 1.3.0 is now available, this will enable the developer to create all grid types right in the editor, with additional lines and points realtime changes for complete visual feedback before runtime.Update 1.4.0 adds a new way to pick the 'Building' to place via a key press.Update 1.5.0 adds 11 new interfaces to hook into the Grid Builder 2 system.Easily add your own code on top of Grid Builder 2's framework using these interfaces -IOnBuildingPlaceIOnBuildingRemoveIOnBuildingMoveStartIOnBuildingMoveEndIOnBuildingSelectIOnBuildingDeselectIOnBuildingOverIOnBuildingExitIOnBuildingTimerStartIOnBuildingTimerEndIOnSetPreviewUpdate 1.5.1 fixes a small bug with build modeSetup and usage can be found here - Implementing-grid-builder-2s-interfacesMain Features -Create and design your grid and layout with additional grid tools and typesPlacing, removing and moving existing objectsChoose how many cells your placed objects will take up, up to 5x5 cellsSaving and loading capabilitiesDevelopers can preconfigure a grid to load objects on start for usersObjects can now be placed on a timer to build after a delayObjects can be visually highlighted based on how many cells it takes upObjects can be selected and moved or drag movedMany different types of placement logic like drag and drop, drag build and place oneLayer grids to create dynamic effectsMove objects on grid points instead of the center of cellsAuto cell blocking makes cells unplaceableHide and show cells when placing and removingFloor tiles can be placed underneath objects depending on sizeA simple upgrade system with timingMany customisation optionsFull documentation of all components available at GolemiteGamesThouroughly commented codeAdditional methods to use should you want to get creativeIdeal game genres -Real time strategyTower defenceSimulatorTable topPuzzleConstructionTime based building gamesMany others game types use grids as an underlying systemEverything in this package expands from Grid Builder from which can then be upgraded to this package removing the cost of the initial purchase.Check out the website GolemiteGames or check the full documentation on this tool.RoadmapOver the next 3 - 6 months this tool will be expanded with many new features including but not limited too -Having floor tiles underneath your objects when previewing which would change depending on how many cells the object takes (Added)Blocking building an object if certain defined tags are within its building space, such as enemies etcBuilding an upgrade function, allowing developers to be able to set there own chain of upgrades for a particular object (Added)Create a dynamic wall building system, so when two wall pieces are placed next to one another, they will connectObject swapping, allowing users to drag an object over another of the same size to swap placesOf course this is an initial list, and is subject to change at any time.If you want to stay updated on this roadmap or have an idea of something you would like to see in Grid Builder 2, Twitter is the answer