FadeToScene is a Unity asset that allows a soft transition between scenes, in a programmable but easy way!FadeToScene is a Unity asset that allows a soft transition between scenes, in a programmable but easy way! Only make a call to a static function to change to a new scene, using both a customizable transition time and a customizable background colour.This tool has the following features:· Compatible with Editor, PC, Android and iOS (not tested on other platforms).· Compatible with both landscape and portrait modes.· Customizable transition speed time and background colour.· The complete action is performed using an only programming instruction.It includes a functional demo, where two different transitions have been added and configured between two scenes.You can find a complete video that shows this feature in the following links:Demo: https://youtu.be/KzLTH6PZoggAdding to your project: https://youtu.be/qkXx7DjMpPwYou only have to call to a static method wherever you want in your code, although the most common place is within a function that handle some event (for instance, the one executed when a button is pressed).This function has the following definition:FadeToScene.FadeTo(string sceneName, Color fadeColor, float fadeTime);Where:· sceneName is the name of the new scene to load. Remember it must have been previously added to the Scenes in Build in the File / Build Settingssection.· fadeColor is the colour of the background while the transition.· fadeTime is the speed time of the transition, in seconds.Examples:FadeToScene.FadeTo(“myNewScene”, Color.red, 1f);FadeToScene.FadeTo(“scene2”, new Color (0.1f, 0.5f, 0.3f), 1.5f);