Grass & Tail Animation's comes with more than 10 unique animations, which include Tail, Grass, Worm, etc. You can use this asset in your 2D and 2.5D games.Additionally, you can animate your own drawing like a grass, tail or a worm, very easy and in just seconds.Features:- Contains 10+ unique animations- 10+ 2d model’s (prefabs) included (fox tale, tiger tale, fat worm, grass, earthworm, .etc.)- Customizable materials- You can animate your own design- 2D colliders attached- Tutorial & Guides includedTechnical Details:- Sprite size : 2K- Material used : Legacy shader>Transperant>Coutout>Soft edge unlit- Animation's : 10+- 2D Models : 10+- 2D Colliders : Yes- Type: Joint based animationHow to Animate custom design (Tutorial) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5JKzrGjHIUContact : srstudioskerala@gmail.com