Monsters is a Database Editor that can be used in any Unity Game Project to Create and Manage Non Player Characters. A Ready to Use Finite State Machine and an Health and Damage System is IncludedIntroduction of Zeus Unite - MonstersMonsters is a Great Extension to bring Non Player Characters to Unity Game Project. The Zeus Unite Monsters Asset is used to Manage NPC Databases and their Properties of those Non Player Characters. With Game Ready Solutions such as a Finite State Machine, Unit Health System, and Damage Interface, it can bring Monsters and other Non Player Characters quickly and alive inside the Game.The System is designed to work in both 2D and 3D Environment. It fits for any Genre that contains NPC’s such as Monsters and other Enemy Types. Quest Characters and many more can be created and managed.Prepared Functions will help you to Compare Attributes and use the Databases at Runtime.* * Zeus Unite - Monsters Features * *Visual NPC and Monsters Database EditorAdd, Edit and Remove different Non Player Characters Types and DatabasesManage Multiple Databases to keep your NPC’s Sorted. For easy Use, all Databases are defined as enum inside the Project to Sort and Access them.Add, Edit and Remove Non Player Characters Subtypes (enum)The Non Player Characters Subtypes are enums that are generated to build Logic for different NPC’s. Define as Quest or Shop NPC’s. Other uses would be Boss or Minion. Whatever your Game needs you can Create it!Add, Edit and Remove Non Player CharactersIn the Non Player Character Editor, Create new NPC’s ,Add Properties, Values, Attributes and Tags define what your NPC’s need inside the Game Project.Add, Edit and Remove AttributesAttributes use the same Database as the Zeus Unite - Item Database Management System. The both Assets are fully compatible with each other. Attributes are used to define Properties to NPC’s such as Health, Damage and others.* * Non PlayerCharacter Systems * ** Finite State Machine *A Demo Finite State Machine is Included inside the Monsters System. You can Build up your AI on this State Machine or use it as a way to work with the Monsters Databases.The Finite State Machine uses the Unity NavMesh System, but can be swapped with A* Star Pathfinding and other Pathfinding Systems.* Unit Controller *With the Unit Controller, you can Load the Monsters Data to a Game Object and use the Values you have declared to the Unit inside the Monsters Editor.* Health and Damage System *The Unit Controller comes with a Health and Damage System that makes use of the Zeus Unite Attribute System. You will be guided through a Setup to give you an example on how to use the Attributes on actual Units / Monsters and all sorts of Non Player Characters.The Health and Damage System is also used by the Player.* * Easy to Extend with Partial Classes * *You can extend existing Classes with additional Methods you need to provide for your Game. To Keep the Code clean and Updatable, you can Extend the Major Classes with your own Partial Class.* * Third Party Support * *The Finite State Machine and Unit Controller is tested and can be easily used in combination with the following Pathfinding Solutions.Unity NavMesh AgentA* Star Pathfinding ProjectMonsters works excellent in Combination with our following Assets:Zeus Unite - Game CoreZeus Unite - Item Database* * Support Integration * *DocumentedOpen Source CodeDiscord and EMail Support(Free Assets only receive Minor Support)Join Our Discord Server for Support, Feedback, and SuggestionsWe Care About You and our Assets* * Zeus Unite * *Zeus Unite offers Unity Editor Extensions to improve the workflow inside Unity. The studio creates useful Unity editor information and material for free on the Zeus Unite Website.See our other Unity Editor Solutions:(Premium Assets)Zeus Unite - Game Core** Full Game Template with Settings Controller and MoreZeus Unite - Item Database** Manage Thousands of Items and Databases within your ProjectZeus Unite - Monsters** Create Enemies and all Sorts of Non Player Characters(Free Assets)Zeus Unite - Enum Editor** Create Enums of off Objects in the Project or simple by Entering NameZeus Unite - Easy Audio Scene** Audio Controller with Settings in 1 MinuteZeus Unite - Dice Generator** Generate Random Dice and other Values quickly and easily accessible.Visual NPC Database EditorAdd, Edit and Remove Non Player Characters Types and DatabasesAdd, Edit and Remove Non Player Characters Sub TypesAdd, Edit and Remove Non Player CharactersAdd, Edit and Remove Character AttributesEnum EditorCreate a NPC List of all available NPC's in all DatabasesNon PlayerCharacter SystemsFinite State Machine Example and Ready to UseUnit Controller Example and Ready to UseHealth and Damage System Example and Ready to Use