200 High-quality assets designed for fast and easy city creation in a New York style for all render pipelines.Upgrade path available for City Builder Urban owners.Created in a New York style, New Gen Urban is a high-quality asset for fast city creation.Designed with the same scale as City Builder Urban for easy integration for CBU owners.Supports all 3 render pipelines.This asset contains a 500m X 800m sample scene with day and night scenes.(Mega Props Urban Include)Includes:15 Billboard props (Shader and script included)20 Building faces (Interior mapped included).26 Building props.6 Different color cars.18 Construction props.26 Lamps and posts.7 Park props.11 Plantbeds.9 Prebuilt lost (For fast city creation)11 Shop signs.27 Street and road props24 Path, roads, and rail segments (Wet shader included)See technical details for a full list.Reversed Interactive | TwitterSupport - Reversedint@gmail.com5 Aircon (10 - 90 tris)6 Billboards (64 - 6k tris)9 Billboard props (12 - 1.7k tris)20 Building Segments (2 - 3.3k tris) (LODs Included)4 Canopy's (500 - 1.4k tris)Fire escape (1k tris)4 Roofs (162 tris)12 Building trims (28 - 300 tris)Car (7k tris) (LODs Included)18 Construction props (200 - 1.9k) (Fencing, Bollards, Scaffolding, Cones,)26 Lamps and posts (1k - 7.6k tris) (Some Include LODs)(Security cameras, Traffic lights, Street Signs, Solar Panels)Tree (13k tris) (LODs Included) Bush (260 tris)Assault course park (1.1k tris)Tennis court (3.7k tris)Basketball court (4.8k tris)Fence (800 tris)Grass patch (860 tris)11 Shop Signs (400 - 3k tri)3 Wooden benches (900 - 2k tris)3 Metal Menches (800 - 1.7k tris)5 Concrete plant beds (100 - 400 tris)2 Plastic plant beds (800 - 900 tris)2 Metal plant beds (50 tris)1 Marble plant bed (800 tris)1 Tree bed (1400 tris)5 Trash Cans (1k - 2k tris)4 News vendors (700 tris)2 Mailboxes (1k tris)2 Fire Hydrant (1.8k tris)2 train rails (6.2k tris)22 path and road segments (2 - 40 tris)All Materiels use PBR texturesTextures range from 1k - 4k resolution.