FM WebSocket 2.0 is a plugin for Unity3D, which provides you a simple, flexible networking solution using WebSocket(TCP). It’s also part of our popular full package “FMETP STREAM”.^^^^^^^^^^ FM WebSocket 2.0 Upgrade Plan ^^^^^^^^^^Anyone purchased V1: 50% off upgrade fee*advanced live streaming solution in FMETP STREAM Webpage | Main Forum | Youtube | Twitter | FacebookFM WebSocket 2.0 is a plugin for Unity3D, which provides you a simple, flexible and reliable networking solution using WebSocket. It’s also part of our popular full package “FMETP STREAM”.It’s a cross-platform networking solution, which is focusing on Internet stream via node.js server, involves the key features below:# Public Network Connection# Simple Send & Receive with Message or Byte[]# Server <=> Clients# General Send Type: All, Server, Others, Target# Cross Platform: iOS/Android/Mac/PC/Linux/UWP…etc# All Written in C#, easy to modify if necessaryIn this package, it includes the latest “FM WebSocket Manager” system with the best performance, and “FM SocketIO Manager” system(legacy) from FM WebSocket 1.0 is also optimised for the ease of migration.WebSocket Networking With Simple Commands:SendToAll("Hello World");SendToOthers("Hello World");SendToServer("Hello World");SendToTarget("Hello World", "wsid");SendToAll(byte[]);SendToOthers(byte[]);SendToServer(byte[]);SendToTarget(byte[], "wsid");Example of sending in one line function:FMWebSocketManager.instance.SendToAll("Hello World");FMWebSocketManager.instance.SendToTarget("Hello World", "xxxxyyyy-zzzz");Support: thelghome@gmail.com#######################This asset uses 1) websocket-sharp under The MIT License (MIT);see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.WebSocket, TCP, Data Stream, Socket, Server-Clients Networking System