This release contains 50 files: hits, blocks, finishers, whooshes, special hits and of course: gruesome and gory finishing moves. Check out the full library containing glorious 999 files.This is a free version of our Deadly Kombat Sound Pack containing 999 sound effects.This release contains 50 Deadly Kombat sound effects:11 Face hits (small, large and finishers)11 body hits (small, large and finishers)6 blocks (small, medium and large)9 whooshes (punch, kick, somersalt)3 guts and gore (ouch!)2 bone breaking (better call an ambulance!)8 special hits (fire punch, metal punch, knife stabb and baseball bat hit)Check the file list here.Get the full version here.Audio format: .wavSample rate: 48khzBit depth: 32 bit floatingEvent type: One-shotAdditional: Stereo filesFoley to create this library was recorded at my home studio using a large diaphragm condenser microphone (MXLv67).