A Complete System to fire and pool projectiles and register hits on targets.Made with the Build in pipeline.Projectile materials for other pipelines may need some adjustments.Fire Projectiles from any script in the scene.The Manager will take them from the pool if available.Else it will spawn a new one and add it to the pool.Fire Straight forward, aimed at a target, in any direction, or homing/following the target.Calling each Function with several available parameters.Create new projectiles with the Projectile_Template prefab.Detect when projectiles hit the target, passing the damage amount and the transform that fired the projectile with a Unity Event.1 manager prefab to drag in the scene.Handeling all the spawning, pooling and fireing of projectiles.Can be fired from any script in the scene.4 different ways of projectile movement.Several parameters to fire with.Passing damage and who fired the projectile to the target that was hit.7 projectiles included with effects.Works on all platforms, OS, and pipelines.