Casual Mobile Game MusicSummer is a game music pack created for casual mobile games. These music are great for funny, adventure games. In this pack you will find music loops which you can fit to different levels. Above that you will find here music for Main Theme, boos fight, level loose or game over. This music is simple and contains basic instruments like piano, strings, synthesizers or drums.♫ Audio preview - click here ♫Features:Main Theme (loop) [1:20]Main Theme (no loop) [1:24]Level 01 (loop) [2:08]Level 02 (loop) [4:00]Level 03 (loop) [2:47]Level 04 (loop) [3:35]Level 05 (loop) [2:08]Level 06 (loop) [1:04]Boss Fight 01 (loop) [1:16]Boss Fight 02 (loop) [1:00]Boss Fight Loose (no loop) [0:06]Game Over (no loop) [0:09]Level Win (no loop) [0:06]Level Loose (no loop) [0:08]Stage Correct (no loop) [0:01]Stage Fail (no loop) [0:01]Number of Audio Wavs: 15Sample rate / bit rate: 44,100 Hz/16 bitDoes music loop: YesMinutes of audio provided: 21Supported Development Platforms:Windows: YesMac: YesDocumentation: Linkimages source: https://www.freepik.com/psd/summer-party-poster, https://www.freepik.com/photos/sandy-beach