While the 37-piece Dark Fantasy Music Collection brings together The Occultist and Darkened Pacts packages, it also offers the Elves update of 16 unique music.Dark Fantasy is like the overshadowed side of things. The Elves update added to the collection tries to brighten the shadows.List of old packages included:Dark Fantasy Music: The OccultistDark Fantasy Music: Darkened PactsCOMPOSING THE ELVEN REALMWhile designing the Elves update, I acted according to a specific fiction and perception. Although Elves were known to be a peaceful race, "war" was inevitable for everyone. Therefore, the peaceful choirs were replaced by large drums.A map was drawn, and the place and importance of the Elves on the map were determined. Afterward, I sometimes composed regions, sometimes weapons, and sometimes lived events with a northern European-inspired orchestra. In addition to creating a folkloric atmosphere, I tried to remain experimental at specific points.THE ELVES UPDATEThe music in the update is composed by different functional branches.CitiesAlarien, the PeacelandsNel'rilan, the WarbastionNur'amer, the CapitalVillagesMelionNatural PlacesSilver GladeTornwoodSpecial PlacesRuins of XelenXan'thul, the Soul CageSkyhaunt SpireBoss battlesScales and HissSiege of AlarienSkyhaunt's BreachCombat LoopsElven BowSkirmishWarglaivesOpeningAzure DefendersTHE STORY BEHINDAlarien, the Peacelands: Alarien, called "The Garden" or "The Peacelands" by the Elves, is a large city they built on the coast northeast of the capital, Nur'amer. It is said that the Garden smells very good and when you enter it, it opens to a different land and is full of beauties. It is bigger than the city itself in terms of feeling.Nur'amer, the Capital: The capital, Nur'amer, was built on the island that Melquethal, one of the current Elvish mages, had once discovered. The wizard has managed to keep the city sheltered for centuries by making a deal with an entity named Xelen to retain control of the island.Nel'rilan, the Warbastion: Nel'rilan is a tired castle, unable to escape living amid danger, with walls that have been beaten repeatedly. It is a war dungeon that has seen many monsters and has been repaired many times.Azure Defenders: The Azure Defenders, a hunter guild, have long hunted the evil dragons that roam around Tornwood, Silverglade, and Nel'rilan. Guild members also include Humans and Nomads.Xanthul, the Soul Cage: The enormous tree Xanthul, which is said to absorb the souls of anyone who approaches, is a member of an ancient race. A being that can think and feel for itself and sleep from time to time. The Undead headquarters, Skyhaunt Spire, built into the grove to its east, has coveted this tree's powers and the souls it has stored, and is soon preparing to attack.Ruins of Xelen: In this ruined area, where the elves found their remains, there are elusive inscriptions and unfamiliar objects. After the entity named Xelen talked about this region a lot, the region was given a name related to it.Skyhaunt Spire: This strange, hideous tower was the tremendous and mystical Xan'thul's new loathing. Galissar, an Undead general, has a lot to snatch from Xan'thul, but what could it be?Elven Bow: The elven bow is well known for its lightness but very accuracy even at long range. It is made from the trunk of the Panalith tree, which grows in the forests of Silverglade.Skirmish: Sword or dagger, both acceptable.Warglaives: The most durable melee soldiers of the Elves, who make double-edged blades and learn to use it effectively over time, forge their Warglaive weapons themselves. Some weapons are used with a single double-ended and long handle, and some with a double-ended, short handle, but in a dual form.Scales and Hiss: The Elves called the struggle and the results of the dragon Hadiru, which they hunted on the Tornwood cliffs, "a black day." The Azure Defenders guild suffered many casualties, and the dragon escaped their grasp, severely wounded.Skyhaunt's Breach: Coming out of Skyhaunt Spire and heading towards the huge tree in the west, Xanthul, the Undead troops, acting under the command of Galissar, want to test their most powerful secret weapon on the tree.Siege of Alarien: Breaking the Nel'rilan into the wilderness and landing at the gates of Alarien, the Orc clans surround the walls with dozens of wild beasts brought from their lands.Melion: Elves in Melion village, who are good at making honey, are offended by their fellow citizens in Drilen village for an unknown reason.Silver Glade: Surrounding Xanthul is the dense woodland that meets Tornwood to the east and stretches towards Alarien. Silver Glade is one of the only places where many creatures and precious trees are found.Tornwood: Being just south of a critical and gateway area like Nel'rilan is difficult for trees, because each invasion or raid means the forest is destroyed as well.File type: 24 bit WAVLooping: Yes