48 free to use sound effects for your game.48 free sound effects for your game! Inspired by the classics of RPGs, give your game the perfect retro-aesthetic with this high quality free asset pack!This bundle contains free samples from the following asset packs:- 100 Retro RPG UI SFX- 50 Retro RPG Battle Magic SFX- 50 Retro RPG Heals and Buffs SFX- 90 Retro RPG Player Movement SFX- 90 Retro RPG Battle SFXCONTENT1 Hover1 Confirm1 Decline1 Denied1 Use Item1 Equip1 Unequip1 Buy/Sell1 Pause Game1 Unpause Game1 Fire Explosion1 Ice Explosion1 Thunder1 Water1 Wind1 Earth1 Charge1 Poison1 Healing1 Attack Buff1 Defense Buff1 Debuff1 Revive1 Sleep1 Speed Up4 Steps (grass, stone, wood, water)1 Swim1 Jump1 Cling/Climb1 Landing1 Dive1 Attack1 Hit1 Claw1 Bite1 Impact1 Slash1 Miss/Evade1 Block1 Flee1 Encounter1 Enemy Death1 FleshIf you like my work, please consider supporting it by purchasing the full bundle!