football game pack. consists of football field and football playersfootball game pack. It consists of a football field and football players.football player characters were rigged.Compatible with mixamo. You can download new animations from mixamo yourself.Player- 9.356 Triangel- textures; 2048x2048px basecolor, normal map + color alternative- 1,65meter- uv yes- rig yesReferee- 10.710 Triangel- textures; 2048x2048px basecolor, normal map- 1,65meter- uv yes- rig yesCoach- 7.294 Triangel- textures; 2048x2048px basecolor, normal map- 1,65meter- uv yes- rig yesStadium- 5.516 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpg- 45x41 meterBillboard- 1.052 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpg- 13x10 meterSpotlight- 4.404 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpg- 6,5x14,5 meterFootballTower- 6.240 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpg- 1,34x1,65 meterSign- 36 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpg- 6,1x0,96 meterFlag- 158 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpg- 0,5x1,18 meterBall- 476 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpg- 0,32 meterHeadPhone- 148 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpg- 0,32 meterWhistle- 452 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpg- 0,23 meterSeats- 340 Pieces- 9520 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpgTraining Equipment- 55 Pieces- Average 60.000 Triangel- texture; 1024x1024px colorpalet.jpg