Ultimate Save And Load is an easy and fast alternative to PlayerPrefs but with more advanced features that makes saving and loading easierOVERVIEWUltimate Save And Load is an easy and fast alternative to PlayerPrefs but with more advanced features that makes saving and loading easierSERIALIZABLEDon't want anyone to tamper with save files? Easy! With the built-in serializable this makes sure that your files are safe by defaultSAVE PROFILESEasily implement save profiles. By changing the selected save file name the asset loads and saves new data using this new file nameCLOUD SAVE SUPPORTSupports converting saved data in file to and from an array of bytes which is used by most of the cloud storage servicesEXCHANGABLE SAVE FILESSave files can be easily exchanged from a device to another with a simple drag and drop, which helps increase your game's lifetimeEASILY EXPANDABLEThis asset was made modular to make it easier to add any new save typesPERFORMANCEThis asset is used to save/load objects in a physics building game, this code is stress tested to handle a huge amount of objects spawned by the player, it's also used for normal stuff like saving player progress and so onSIMPLE TO USEYou can call any of these methods by your script to save/load (SaveInt, SaveBoolean, SaveFloat, SaveString, etc.)To load just use Load instead of Save like so (LoadInt)You first need to call SaveAndLoad script then call any supported method from above like (SaveInt) then pass a unique key and the value you wantSaveAndLoad.SaveInt(key, value);COMPLETE PROJECTS SUPPORTThis asset will be compatible with the current and all the upcoming IntenseNation’s complete projects, and it will be implemented and ready-to-go to help ease the saving and loading processSUPPORTED TYPESStringIntFloatBoolVector2Vector3Vector4FULLY DOCUMENTEDBeginner-friendly documentation to ease the setup process, the code is well written and is documented as well. To get started check the GuideABOUT THE DEMOThere is a demo included that has 3 buttons, one to save the other to load, and the last one generates a random float and int to make it easier to test the assetFOLLOW INTENSENATIONDiscord | Reddit | TwitterEasy to useSerializablePerformance FocusedExpandableDocumented Code