With the Dice Generator you can quickly create random dice, character and percentage values for your table top and RNG game. Easy to integrate and expand for your next game project!** Introduction of Zeus Unite - Dice Generator **Zeus Unite - Dice Generator is a tabletop dice rolling tool. The asset can be used to play tabletop and RNG games that require dice, percentage rolls and alphabetical random rolls.The system is open source and comes with a callback system that can be used to incorporate the mechanic into your new or existing project, as it is easy to integrate and should have no compatibility issues with other assets or systems.The dice generator uses the Unity Engines Random Range method to simulate random numbers, percentage outputs, and random letters.The callback system rolls for a specified time before processing the random result back.** Main Features **Randomizer Demo SceneRandomize DicesRandomize PercentageRandomize AlphabeticRandomize Callback SystemCallback DicesCallback PercentageCallback Alphabetic** Dice Icons **Back and White Dice Icon PSD Templates for your Project, Free to Use and Manipulate.Serval precreated Dice Icons included.** Demo Scene **The Dice Generator Software is available to Use and Download on Itch.ioThe Asset Package can be downloaded on the Unity Asset Store and on Itch.ioZeus Unite - Dice Generator by Stusse Games (itch.io)* Available on GitHub *Zeus Unite - Dice Generator is also available on GitHub, Open Source.https://github.com/Zeus-Unite/Zeus-Unite---Dice-Generator** See our other Unity Editor Solutions **(Premium Assets)Zeus Unite - Game Core** Full Game Template with Settings Controller and MoreZeus Unite - Item Database** Manage Thousands of Items and Databases within your ProjectZeus Unite - Monsters** Create Enemies and all Sorts of Non Player Characters(Free Assets)Zeus Unite - Enum Editor** Create Enums of off Objects in the Project or simple by Entering NameZeus Unite - Easy Audio Scene** Audio Controller with Settings in 1 MinuteZeus Unite - Dice Generator** Generate Random Dice and other Values quickly and easily accessible.** Support Integration **DocumentedOpen Source CodeDiscord and EMail Support (Free Assets only receive Minor Support)Join Our Discord Server for Support, Feedback, and Suggestions** Zeus Unite **Zeus Unite offers Unity Editor Extensions to improve the workflow inside Unity. The studio creates useful Unity editor information and material for free on the Zeus Unite Website.Dice Roll DemoAdjustable Dice Amount and Range RollRandom Alphabetic (Char) RollRandom Percentage RollDice Roll Callback Interface to receive Random Number RollCharacter RollPercentage Roll