GroupAI brings game objects to life by giving them emergent behavior.
Behaviors can be changed at runtime - for the whole group, or individuals.
Supports flocks, schools, herds, and groups of things.Behavior settings are stored as Scriptable Objects.GroupAI includes example behavior settings and scenes for:---------------------------------------------Fish (schooling, eating, swarming, fleeing)Birds - Seagulls, Starlings, Bats (normal and attacking)Butterflies, Dragonflies, Flying Bugs (non-aggressive and aggressive)Sprites, Fairies, FirefliesRats and Hoppers (wandering, aggressive, and afraid)Cows (normal herding, scared)Zombies (wandering, agro'd, alerted)An entity can swich between moving on the Ground and Flying.Behavior can be bypassed and overridden by any Path Finding solution.Entities can automatically change their behavior configuration: After a Set Time - To a specfic or randomly chosen configuration. At Random - To a specfic or randomly chosen configuration. When Stuck - To a specfic or randomly chosen configuration.Supports flocks, schools, herds, and groups of things.But can also support a large number of things wandering around by themselves.GroupAI does not require programming knowledge.------------------------------------------------------1) Add the GroupAI_Entity component to a prefab gameObject, and add antennae to the component via a list of empty transforms (for obstacle avoidance).2) Create a behavior settings file for the GroupAI_Entity component.3) Add a GroupAI_Manager component to an empty transform.4) Add the prefab (from step 1) to the GroupAI_Manager, and set the manager's other parameters to your liking/needs.5) Modify/Tweak the GroupAI_Entity's behavior settings file(s). Best done in PLAY mode.GroupAI is designed using a systems/data paradigm.GroupAI is easy to extend. Example scenes and scripts are included.Programming examples are simple and succinct.GroupAI works with "regular" GameObjects.DOTS and ECS are currently not implemented.(planned for Unity 6 and backward compatible)