Implement a simple audio controller with user interface in minutes with Easy Audio Scene to give the player full control over volume and save it to PlayerPrefs for the next session.** Introduction of Zeus Unite - Easy Audio Scene **Unity Audio ControllerZeus Unite: Easy Audio Scene is an easy and lightweight tool that enables the implementation of adjustable audio volume settings with a user interface within seconds to your Game Project.An Audio Player can be used to Pool Audio Source Objects and Play them with a single Line of Code inside a Script.** Features **The Audio Settings panel gets built in Runtime.Individual hotkey to open audio settings.Player volume settings get saved in PlayerPrefs local.Logarithm slider with the value from -80 to 0 (Unity Audio).Audio Settings Panel open button.Audio Player to call audio clips static from any script.Audio Shot, add this class to your scripts and call play to instantiate a single audio clip in 2D or 3D space.Audio Pooling, a small and simple object Pool for Audio Sources, to prevent CPU overhead during runtime.TextMeshPro support.** Full source code. Easy to extend **https://github.com/Zeus-Unite/Zeus-Unite---Easy-Audio-SceneEasy Audio gives the player full control over the volume. The settings are saved at runtime inside PlayerPrefs and are available in the next session.Easy to Implement and UseDemo Scene is available in the Project and on Itch.iohttps://stusse-games.itch.io/easyaudiosceneA Manual will guide you how to Use and Extend the Asset.** Interested in More Features? **The Base of the Easy Audio Scene is used in our Game Core Asset.Zeus Unite - Game Core, comes also with Graphic Settings and much more Features.Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/224631** See our other Unity Editor Solutions: **(Premium Assets)Zeus Unite - Game Core** Full Game Template with Settings Controller and MoreZeus Unite - Item Database** Manage Thousands of Items and Databases within your ProjectZeus Unite - Monsters** Create Enemies and all Sorts of Non Player Characters(Free Assets)Zeus Unite - Enum Editor** Create Enums of off Objects in the Project or simple by Entering NameZeus Unite - Easy Audio Scene** Audio Controller with Settings in 1 Minute** Support Integration **DocumentedOpen Source CodeDiscord and EMail Support (Free Assets only receive Minor Support)Join Our Discord Server for Support, Feedback, and Suggestions** Zeus Unite **Zeus Unite offers Unity Editor Extensions around Databases. The studio creates useful Unity editor information and material for free on the Zeus Unite Website.Our Website contains a lot of useful information about Unity, Game Design and our AssetsAudio Mixer SetupAudio Controller and Volume SettingsPlayerPref Saved Volume SettingsAudio PlayerAudio PoolAudio Button