Generate any mazes you can think of: hex mazes, square mazes, triangle mazes, surfaces of 3-D meshes, 3-D mazes, mazes without dead-ends (braided). Even design your own maze grids and styles.Core Maze is ia library that enables the generation of almost any maze using Kruskal's Algorithm and my own algorithms that I've named Thönell's Algorithm and Thönell's Braid Algorithm.The only restriction is that mazes must have cells between walls. (ie. not thick walled mazes)Do you want fast chases across mazes on 3-D surfaces? How about fleeing angry bees while getting lost in a honey-comb? Or how about something a little more specific, such as customised yet auto-generated Pac-Man styled mazes (bounding box, wrap-around openings, symmetrical, no dead-ends, with a ghost room in the middle)?This library, and its demo scenes, will jog your imagination to come up with new ideas. The great thing is, it can generate any kind of maze you can think of. (Well, as long as there are cells/rooms between the walls.)The library is easy to use and designed for customisation. If the kind of maze you want is not currently supported then ask me. Or, if your requirements are very specific, then I can show you how to customise.In fact, there are more types of mazes that I want to add, such as mazes based on random points and mazes built out of piled up 2-d shapes.Tessellation (maze patterns):Included 2-D tessellations are: square (orthogonal), triangular (delta), hex (sigma), etc.Included 3-D tessellations are: box maze (3-D orthogonal)There's a script that will generate mazes in the surface of any 3-D mesh.It's easy to create your own maze patterns. (Although the math can sometimes be a bit tricky.)Also, 3-D mazes can be generated. Currently there is a box maze.Block-maze tessellations:Usually, walls consist of panels, and each panel separates two cells. With Core Maze, you can make walls that are blocks that separate any number of cells. I call these patterns "block-mazes". Included implementations are: "quad-quad", delta-sigma (hex).Dead-ends vs. braiding:All mazes can be generated as "perfect" mazes, meaning no loops nor closed off areas.All mazes can be generated as "fully braided" mazes, meaning no dead-ends.You can choose how many walls you want, so your mazes contain both dead-ends and loops (partially braided).Designing mazes:Orthogonal (square) mazes can be made to be wraparound.You can join pairs of cells to create... teleporters. On outside walls, they'd be wraparound.You can define rooms and walls, before generating your mazes around them.You can prioritise how the walls are generated. For example, you can generate horizontal mazes, concentric mazes or symmetrical mazes. (You can make you own combinations.)Other features:Also included is a breadth-first path-finding script.Some demo's contain bots that run around, showing how to make NPC's.