Advanced and easy to use 3D scene builder designed to optimize your workflow.The PAC System is a point and click style prefab placement system designed to assist developers in building 3D scenes for their Unity application or game. It's an easy to use and fast placement system to save the developer a lot of time when it comes to scene object placement, as well as referencing the objects placed in the scene.Assets seen in the showcase video are not included with the PAC System.Developer Note:This asset is an active development. New features will be added which will be located in the future editions. Keep and eye out for the standard and pro editions! (4/30/2023)The premium package PAC System Standard Edition has been temporarily removed from the store for a major rework. The premium package PAC System Standard Edition will be returning to the store soon!Coming Soon and Related Packages:HD Nature Series - Trees, Rocks, Bushes, Fruit, Vegetables, Ground Decor, Flowers, Fungai, Structures and much more.Bug Reporting:Please send any bugs found, if any, as well as any suggestions to the following email:orbitmail@orbitami.comAsset Type:Utility - Editor ToolGraphics Pipeline:Standard / Built-InDeveloper Experience Level Required:Beginner to AdvancedIncluded In Package:PAC System Free Edition: Editor Utility ToolPrefabs: Contains no LOD's - Something to use while learning the systemPAC System Help Guide PDF: Overview and simple guide for using the systemAsset uses textures under textures.com license; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Optimized object pools hidden from the inspector for Unity Editor performanceScene view control panel for easy system controlNotifications to assist with using the system and implementationMulti-surface compatibility when placing objects in the sceneDesigned to build complex 3D scenesStatic methods for ease of use when referencing placed objects at runtimeCustomizable complimentary script that can be attached to the player or any object to access the static methods