This unique customizable toolbox is perfect for a garage or contractor scene and includes scripts and animations to get you started.This unique customizable toolbox is perfect for a garage or contractor scene and includes scripts and animations to get you started. Models can be textured with a plain color or with the included Rusty Red and Rusty Blue materials. Drawers have animated open and close actions.8 Prefab toolboxes ready to go. Make unlimited color combos from the included PBR based materials, standard unity materials or add your own textures. All key pieces can use their own materials.Multiple PBR texture maps included:3 Different Rusty Red Textures for cabinet2 Different Rusty Blue Textures for cabinet4 Different Cabinet Top Textures8 DIfferent Rusty Red Drawer Textures9 Different Rusty Blue Drawer TexturesThis box is part of our line of toolboxes and garage-themed props.This asset uses the built-in RP. If you want to use URP you will need to reset the shader of the model to avoid it showing up as pink.Contact Us:Contact us with any questions, problems or requests. We take requests for new assets.E-Mail: theorydigitalgames@gmail.comUnique Meshes: 7 (Toolbox, 4 different drawers, Rail, wheel)UV Mapped: YesTexture Resolution: 2kPrefabs: 11Total Polygon Count: 5,138 (Complete box with all drawers and wheels)Verts: 6,204Tris: 10,896Animations: 2Materials Included: 45All PBR materials include color map, normal map, occlusion map, metallic map, height map & roughness map.