It is a complete environment with player as well as Boss enemies with a large set of obstaclesIn another way, it has a complete nature of plants, trees, etc., and it has a good number of backgrounds for the multiplicity of stages, for example.And there is a player with his own Animation, and many enemies with AnimationAnd a large number of obstacles and traps with AnimationIt has floors in a forest and a place with stones and a wooden place as wellIn the demo, there are post process settings that give the game a very beautiful atmosphere, in addition to a font that suits the game_image resolutions in Technical details_Bird:1 with Animation - 30pixel_Boss:2 with Animation - boss1 100pixels boss2 128pixels_Dangers: 67 with Animation - 64 pixels_Nature:60 with trigger - 128_150pixels_Ground:3 different types and shapes - 128pixels_Player:1 with Animation - 128pixelsDashDieDWNJumpRollWalk_Monster or enemy:2 with Animation - 64pixels_One screen effect - 320pixels_Stages BG:4 - 320pixels_Titles:13