59 HDRP/URP Animation friendly prefabs! 13 handpainted textures, customizable water and dirt shaders. Modular and customizable, optimized meshes for fast rendering. Terrain layers included!!Features:Tools, carts, fences, containers, decoration and more, detailed and optimized to fit all kinds of projects!PBR hand drawn textures (albedo/alpha, normal, metalness/smoothness) comes in up to 2048x2048 resolution.Textures: Clay, Cord Hemp, Dirt, Grass, Hay, Hay Bundle, Iron, Rope Sheet. Steel Sheet, Stone Brick, Tree Stump, Wood Sheet & Wood Stripes materials, to use with these and more assets.Modular prefabs with proper axis locations with animation in mind.After updates and additions prices might change, but previous owners will get all updates for free.24 HDRP & URP Materials:Clay_01. (Seamless)Clay_01(Dirty). (Seamless)Cord_Hemp_01. (Seamless)Cord_Hemp_01(Dirty). (Seamless)Dirt_01 (Seamless).Grass_01 (Seamless).Hay_01.Hay_01(Dirty).Hay_Bundle_01.Hay_Bundle_01(Dirty).Iron_01. (Seamless)Iron_01(Dirty). (Seamless)Rope_01. (Seamless)Rope_01(Dirty). (Seamless)Steel_Sheet_01. (Seamless)Steel_Sheet_01(Dirty). (Seamless)Stone_Bricks_01. (Seamless)Stone_Bricks_01(Dirty). (Seamless)Tree_Stump_01.WaterWood Sheet_01. (Seamless)Wood Sheet_01(Dirty). (Seamless)Wood Stripes_01. (Seamless)Wood Stripes_01(Dirty). (Seamless)3 HDRP & URP Shaders:Dirt.Dirt W_Alpha Clip.Water2 HDRP & URP Terrain Layers:Dirt_01Grass_0139 Textures:Clay_01 1024x1024 (Albedo).Clay_01_N 1024x1024 (Normal).Clay_01_S 1024x1024 (Smoothness).Cord_Hemp_01 1024x1024 (Albedo).Cord_Hemp_01_N 1024x1024 (Normal).Cord_Hemp_01_S 1024x1024 (Smoothness).Dirt_01 2048x2048 (Albedo).Dirt_01_N 2048x2048 (Normal).Dirt_01_S 2048x2048 (Smoothness).Grass_01 2048x2048 (Albedo).Grass_01_N 2048x2048 (Normal).Grass_01_S 2048x2048 (Smoothness).Hay_01 1024x1024 (Albedo).Hay_01_N 1024x1024 (Normal).Hay_01_S 1024x1024 (Smoothness).Hay_Bundle_01 1024x1024 (Albedo).Hay_Bundle_01_N 1024x1024 (Normal).Hay_Bundle_01_S 1024x1024 (Smoothness).Iron_01 1024x1024 (Albedo).Iron_01_N 1024x1024 (Normal).Iron_01_S 1024x1024 (Smoothness).Rope_Sheet_01 1024x1024 (Albedo).Rope_Sheet_01_N 1024x1024 (Normal).Rope_Sheet_01_S 1024x1024 (Smoothness).Steel_Sheet_01 1024x1024 (Albedo).Steel_Sheet_01_N 1024x1024 (Normal).Steel_Sheet_01_S 1024x1024 (Smoothness).Stone_Bricks_01 2048x2048 (Albedo).Stone_Bricks_01_N 2048x2048 (Normal).Stone_Bricks_01_S 2048x2048 (Smoothness).Tree_Stump_01 1024x1024 (Albedo).Tree_Stump_01_N 1024x1024 (Normal).Tree_Stump_01_S 1024x1024 (Smoothness).WoodSheet_01 2048x2048 (Albedo).WoodSheet_01_N 2048x2048 (Normal).WoodSheet_01_S 2048x2048 (Smoothness).WoodStrips_01 2048x2048 (Albedo).WoodStrips_01_N 2048x2048 (Normal).WoodStrips_01_S 2048x2048 (Smoothness).58 HDRP & 58 URP Ready Prefabs:2 Axes.2 Barrels.2 Baskets.2 Boxes.2 Brooms.3 Buckets.2 Carts.2 Clay Pots.2 Feeders.8 Fence Modules.1 Hammer.1 Hatchet.5 Hay modules.2 Hoes.1 Knife.2 Ladders.1 Machete.2 Pickaxes.3 Pitchforks.1 Rake.4 Sacks.1 Scythe.3 Shovels.1 Sickle.1 Torch.1 Well.1 Wheelbarrow.57 Meshes:Axe_01 - 278 Polygons.Axe_02 - 166 Polygons.Barrel_01 - 483 Polygons.Barrel_02 - 338 Polygons.Basket_01 - 330 Polygons.Basket_02 - 410 Polygons.Box_01 - 164 Polygons.Box_02 - 128 Polygons.Broom_01 - 443 Polygons.Broom_02 - 193 Polygons.Bucket_01 - 406 Polygons.Bucket_02 - 555 Polygons.Bucket_03 - 226 Polygons.Cart_01 - 4,220 Polygons.Cart_Wagon_01 - 15,137 Polygons.Clay_Container_04 - 947 Polygons.Feeder_01 - 55 Polygons.Feeder_02 - 67 Polygons.Fence_01_2mts - 414 Polygons.Fence_01_3mts - 614 Polygons.Fence_01_5mts - 1014 Polygons.Fence_02_3.60mts - 346 Polygons.Fence_02_5.30mts - 410 Polygons.Fence_Gate_01 - 669 Polygons.Fence_Gate_02 - 1720 Polygons.Hammer_Wood_01- 106 Polygons.Hatchet_01 - 266 Polygons.Hay_Block_01 - 366 Polygons.Hay_Pile_01 - 112 Polygons.Hay_Pile_02 - 139 Polygons.Hay_Pile_03 - 137 Polygons.Hay_Pile_04 - 522 Polygons.Hoe_01 - 104 Polygons.Hoe_02 - 222 Polygons.Knife_02 - 44 Polygons.Ladder_01 - 754 Polygons.Ladder_02 - 96 Polygons.Machete_01 - 128 Polygons.Pickaxe_01 - 212 Polygons.Pickaxe_02 - 100 Polygons.Pitchfork_01 - 171 Polygons.Pitchfork_02 - 290 Polygons.Pitchfork_03 - 429 Polygons.Pot_Clay_03 - 370 Polygons.Rake_01 - 302 Polygons.Sack_01 - 392 Polygons.Sack_02 - 392 Polygons.Sack_03 - 392 Polygons.Sack_04 - 542 Polygons.Scythe_01 - 350 Polygons.Shovel_01 - 271 Polygons.Shovel_02 - 294 Polygons.Shovel_Hand_01 - 185 Polygons.Sickle_01 - 101 Polygons.Torch_01 - 114 Polygons.Well_01 - 4,177 Polygons.Wheelbarrow_01 - 959 Polygons.